So What Happens When It Hurts, Madeleine Mayi?
Digitally published by Unpublished Magazine, October 2022. View original publication.
[UNPUBLISHED:] Can you tell me more about what inspired your latest EP what happens when it hurts?
[MADELEINE MAYI:] Would love to! This EP is a collection of songs I worked on for the last year. Each song represents a different way I reacted when someone close to me hurt my feelings.
[UNPUBLISHED:]The EP features a variety of styles within your signature brand of viscerally honest lyricism. What was the process like creating this project and putting it together?
[MADELEINE:] A lot of it was sitting, frustrated at my parents piano trying to get the perfect words to come out. The other half was sessions with friends that were full of laughter and experimentation. It was overall a really lovely process because I allowed myself to feel exactly what I needed to feel in order to make it happen.
[UNPUBLISHED:] “Light’s Out” is the first song that I heard of yours when it was released as a single last year, and it now opens what happens when it hurts. Lyrically, “Light’s Out” is a throat punch of emotion and aggression against someone who hurt you. What made “Light’s Out” feel like the intro to the project?
[MADELEINE:] I wanted the first song to really throw you in the deep end of what’s going on. It’s pretty obvious what’s going on in “Light’s Out.” Someone pissed me off, and I explained exactly how that made me feel. It felt right to start off with something so blatant.
[UNPUBLISHED:] Do you have any favorite lyrics from within the songs of what happens when it hurts?
[MADELEINE:] Hmmm. I think currently my two faves are “I caught my own reflection in the driveway, I look so happy when you’re not around.” and “at least for a second, we’re lovers like Taylor Swift, and I wanna stay in it, forever </3”
[UNPUBLISHED:] While the other four tracks of the EP were released as singles, track three “best part of us” was a brand new track on what happens when it hurts. Can you tell me more about this track and what its addition to the EP means for you?
[MADELEINE:] "best part of us" is a subtle song, but something a little bit different for me. I have been trying to incorporate a positive spin (lol) in some of my music and this song was special because I feel like I accomplished expressing a niche feeling that most of us have felt. It’s basically about the random day months after you get your heart broken, that you wake up and are like “oh, I think I am actually fine now ??” so yeah. I love that song. :’)
[UNPUBLISHED:] I know that you hold strong on releasing music each Valentine’s Day in honor of a family member who died, including this year’s “For a Second” and 2021’s album 2/14. Can you tell me more about this tradition and how it impacts your music?
[MADELEINE:] Yeah. I know this sounds heavy, but something I think about often because of those experiences is how impermanent we are on this earth. And I want to honor people who have lived really beautiful lives, because it makes me feel like I am living a beautiful life. It just so happens that the best way I can communicate my feelings is through music, so that’s why I have stayed so consistent with sharing this personal stuff through my medium. It actually helps me, and hopefully in the process, helps someone else too. Specifically, with the Valentine’s Day theme, it has a lot to do with when that original sadness occurred, and also the juxtaposition we so frequently feel in life. How common is it that a holiday that is supposed to be about love and affection is actually the best day ever? Life is full of unexpected twists.
[UNPUBLISHED:] Is there any fear for you that comes with being so vulnerable in your lyricism?
[MADELEINE:] It would be a lie to say no. I am putting intimate feelings and real stories out there which comes with a certain amount of fear every time. But I chose the path of being a creator and at the end of the day, it’s art. Art should be about whatever it needs to be about. But yeah I’ve had to send a couple “this isn’t about you” texts in my time... lol
[UNPUBLISHED:] You have a running segment on your Instagram of “Sunday Polls,” which often feature wild would you rather questions. What sparked the beginning of the “Sunday Polls” series?
[MADELEINE:] Honestly I just have a lot of opinions and I love hearing other people’s opinions as well even on the smallest stupid shit. I wanted to find a way to kind of lighten the mood as well since so much of my music is emo-girl stuff. I’m a really lighthearted person, I love to laugh and connect with people and I think sometimes it can get so serious on social media. So I just wanted to find a way to have fun with my homies on socials without it feeling forced.
[UNPUBLISHED:] You often seek out new ways to connect with your fans, including sending out the handwritten lyrics of “For a Second” on release day by mail to a select group of fans and secret links to unreleased music. I have my “For a Second” lyric sheet hung up at my desk, and I love how personal it makes my connection to you and that song. What sparks these different connections for you?
[MADELEINE:] I just love making people smile! And the music industry can feel really impersonal sometimes which I don’t love. I just want to make friends and share my art with them really.
[UNPUBLISHED:] As you’ve grown and changed throughout your time as an artist, is there any advice you wish you had received when you were first starting out?
[MADELEINE:] A good question! I think the best thing you can do is stay in your own lane and keep your eyes focused on your own path. I understand why people say it’s about who you know etc because sometimes that can be very helpful, but the only thing you can really control is what you make. So focus on what you make.
[UNPUBLISHED:] What comes next for you?
[MADELEINE:] I have a couple of surprises left in 2022, but I am focusing a lot of my energy onto 2023 and what I want to accomplish. I am hoping to play a lot more shows next year, so I’ll keep you in the loop.
[UNPUBLISHED:] Is there anything else you want to add?
[MADELEINE:] Recently on TikTok I have learned a lot of my experiences are not unique at all so yeah. We are all the same in different fonts.
make sure to follow madeleine mayi on instagram and stream her on spotify!