morgen on Her New Single “Mom Jeans,” Her Experience with Virality, and Her Love of Tapatío

Digitally published by Unpublished Magazine, July 2022. View original publication

[UNPUBLISHED:] So excited to get to speak with you today! For any readers new to your music, can you give a quick introduction and tell us how you got started in your music career?

[MORGEN:] Hello! My name is morgen and I started writing music when I was just a kiddo, probably around 5ish. My parents love music and my dad plays a few instruments and sings as well so they were really helpful and supportive when I decided that music was my “thing.” It honestly wasn’t 100% until I was around 14 and had quit my first desired path of musical theater, and then I was just fully immersed in writing almost every single day. From there I started making trips to LA for co-writing sessions and then yeah…here I am!

[UNPUBLISHED:] When you’re not making music, what else do you like to do in your free time?

[MORGEN:] Honestly anything creative. I love writing, drawing, painting, graphic design, fashion, hanging out with friends, all of it. I also really enjoy taking walks, or just sitting on the beach and listening to the ocean. 

[UNPUBLISHED:] I also want to give you a massive congratulations on “Mom Jeans!” How are you feeling now that it’s out?

[MORGEN:] Thank you so much! I’m so so happy that it is finally out in the world, it seems like it’s been forever in the making. I’m especially stoked because of the hype it’s been getting on Instagram, which has been awesome to see. 

[UNPUBLISHED:] “Mom Jeans” is a sure-fire anthem for the rebellion of being authentically yourself, what inspired the lyrics of “Mom Jeans” for you? Do you have any favorite lyrics?

[MORGEN:] Honestly I was just fed up with people telling me what to wear and how to act. It gets to be exhausting…especially when you’re already trying to figure out who you are while dealing with your own insecurities. That’s what inspired me, my annoyance at others' opinions. I think my favorite lyrics in "Mom Jeans" have to be “I’m the king of the world and man, I feel like a pretty girl.” I’m not sure why…I just like the way it has king, man, and girl all in the same sentence.

[UNPUBLISHED:] Being an artist coming to light during the odd COVID era of the world, do you think the pandemic has affected your career? How?

[MORGEN:] I’m gonna say it probably had a positive effect on my career because I got to sit down and dive deep into my sound and who I am as a person. "Mom Jeans" definitely wouldn’t have happened if not for the pandemic, I just don’t think I would’ve been in that mind space to create a song like that. I was so in my head for two years that I feel like I’m a lot further along in my self-discovery than if it were just a couple of normal years. Yeah – none of my music would be the same at all. 


[UNPUBLISHED:] Can you tell us more about the inspiration behind the “Mom Jeans” music video and what it was like to create it?

[MORGEN:] The main inspiration behind "Mom Jeans" was a lot of modern art and the concept of maximalism…saturation up 1 million percent. From the beginning, I’ve always heard "Mom Jeans" as a very colorful, bright, and fun song, so I wanted the music video to reflect that. I sat down with one of my friends, Jack Simon, who directed the music video, and came up with a mood board for "Mom Jeans." The process was honestly pretty simple. Of course, there were a few bumps here and there, but we had a really easy time communicating our ideas, which helped everything else run smoothly. Overall, it was pure fun and that’s all I truly wanted. 

[UNPUBLISHED:] “Mom Jeans” exploded on TikTok through a variety of trends, racking up millions of views. What has that viral experience been like for you?

[MORGEN:] It’s been weird honestly…sometimes I can’t believe all of those people know who I am…like…creeeepppyyyyy. I’m kidding, it’s been so cool, seriously…the amount of love I’ve gotten on that song is absolutely insane. I’ve also just loved interacting with all my new followers, they’re so cute and for the most part, genuinely so kind. I feel like I’ve found this sweet little community of humans that are also so pissed at other people's’s great. 

[UNPUBLISHED:] With “Mom Jeans” now out in the world, what can fans expect next?

[MORGEN:] More and more and more new music…lots of fun stuff coming very soon. This is just the beginning!

[UNPUBLISHED:] As you’ve grown and changed throughout your music career thus far, is there any advice you wish you had been given when you were first starting?

[MORGEN:] Stop hating yourself for not knowing everything. You are learning, life is about learning; not knowing. It's constant growth, so just embrace it, baby, and go drink some water, please. 

[UNPUBLISHED:] Is there anything else you want the reader to know? 

[MORGEN:] Fun fact: my dream sponsorship is Tapatío, so….Tapatío…hit me up.

you can stream “mom jeans” on spotify now, and make sure to catch up with morgen on instagram and tiktok for updates on what comes next!


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