Discovering the Newest Version of Cari on FLETCHER’s Girl Of My Dreams
Digitally published by Unpublished Magazine, October 2022. View original publication.
Long known for passionate lyricism and edgy production, FLETCHER’s latest album Girl Of My Dreams shows the world an elevated and self-realized new era of the singer.
Over the course of the thirteen songs encompassing Girl Of My Dreams, FLETCHER takes listeners through the thoughts that have plagued her mind post a major breakup. The edgier moments of the album come through on tracks like “Becky’s So Hot” and “Serial Heartbreaker,” both of which stand out as vibrant pop anthems to scream sing in the car. “Becky’s So Hot” in particular has sparked quite the conversation as it landed FLETCHER in viral hot water pre-release due to its connection to her ex’s new partner, and it then found a further viral resurgence post-release with the internet’s so called “Becky Effect” of popular lesbian couples breaking up in visible separations. Through the controversy and conversation, “Becky’s So Hot” still lands as one of the major hits of the album with electrifying energy and lyrics so memorable that you can’t help but sing “she flame emoji wow” at the most random of times. “Serial Heartbreaker” is another one of my personal favorites of the album through its lyricism that portrays a visceral awareness of FLETCHER’s own mistakes in love layered with clean and upbeat pop production. (Unnecessary but important note: I firmly believe it is a missed opportunity if FLETCHER doesn’t start selling merch in the style of an old western Wanted poster in conjunction with “Serial Heartbreaker.” It would be such a fantastic promo for the track.)
The true home runs of Girl Of My Dreams comes through FLETCHER’s ability to also showcase her softer side sonically. The tracklist features multiple heartfelt ballads and saccharine love letters to herself as she journeys through the breakup and recovery stages, sprinkled in between the hard hitting pop-rock anthems to soften the blow. “Better Version” follows the blaze of “Becky’s So Hot” to discuss the ways that the growth found in her previous relationship will make both exes better for their next partners, and while Cari begins with a frustration on the topic, she seems to find herself revering the growth and acknowledging how much better she will be with a new flame. The title track also adds to this discovery of self as FLETCHER calls the new version of herself the true girl of her dreams, discussing self-love and taking care of herself as best as she can while struggling with her breakup. “Girl Of My Dreams” has a bombastic and punchy energy, but the lyricism itself grounds Cari in her new outlook that fights through the self-destruction found in her early coping methods.
The closing track of Girl Of My Dreams is the perfect summary of the album at-large with “So I'll say farewell to the hard times / And I'll say fuck you to the bad vibes / And I'll raise a glass while I toast to myself / I'm a bad bitch and nothing can scare me / This one's for Cari” ringing throughout the chorus of “For Cari.” Throwing away the expectations of others, letting go of the past, and prioritizing herself are the root of FLETCHER’s new life, and utilizing “For Cari” to close Girl Of My Dreams in a stripped back and vulnerable confession space, Cari turns her breakup album into a album of new beginnings.
Through it all, FLETCHER has unapologetically found herself within this thirty-eight minute journey, and that makes Girl Of My Dreams the true pinnacle of Cari’s career thus far. You can stream Girl Of My Dreams now on Spotify.