“Running” Into the New Era of Kate Bollinger

Digitally published by Unpublished Magazine, October 2022. View original publication.

[UNPUBLISHED:] Do you have any favorite lyrics from “Running”?

[KATE:] I like the lyrics "Look, not from the outside, but how can I ask of you what you don't know to do?" It's the desperation of wanting someone to understand what you need without having to tell them.

[UNPUBLISHED:] If you were to assign “Running” a color that you feel represents it, what color would it be? Why?

[KATE:] Maybe kind of a dull, dark brownish red because it feels like a resignation song. 

[UNPUBLISHED:] “Running” follows up this year’s magnificent Look at it in the Light EP. Do you think “Running” is launching your music into a new evolution?

[KATE:] Yes, I feel really connected to “Running” and I think it's more representative of the songs I've been writing.  

[UNPUBLISHED:] Do you have a specific songwriting process or does it change with each release?

[KATE:] It changes, depending on whether I'm writing alone or with someone else. A lot of times I sit down with a guitar and start playing around, but it's not always that way. I went for a run the other morning on tour and I started writing a little song in my head. When I stopped to walk I recorded the melody and lyrics on my phone. 

[UNPUBLISHED:] You’re currently on a headlining tour around the west coast. What is your favorite part of touring?

[KATE:] I love spending time with my band and getting to see different cities. And when a show goes well, it's the most magical feeling ever.

[UNPUBLISHED:] Can fans expect more tour dates in the future?

[KATE:] Of course! 

[UNPUBLISHED:] Can you hint at what comes next for you musically?

[KATE:] I'm working on an album at the moment.

“running” is out now on spotify, and you can catch up with kate on instagram and twitter.


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