Feeling Crush(ed) with Katherine Li
Digitally published by Unpublished Magazine, October 2022. View original publication.
[UNPUBLISHED:] So excited to get to chat with you about your stunning debut EP, Crush(ed). How are you feeling with the release being right around the corner?
[KATHERINE LI:] I am so so so excited! A bit nervous... but good nerves!! I am pretty much jumping with joy every single day.
[UNPUBLISHED:] Crush(ed) follows you through the struggle of unrequited love in really personal lyricism and expansive vocals. What was it like writing such a vulnerable EP?
[KATHERINE:] It was interesting to figure out and organize my thoughts line-by-line about how I felt regarding the events that happened in my life. When I write songs, I always sing back what I have written down over and over again. While writing this EP, there were so many moments when I would be singing the song back and just paused and thought: “wow this is legitimately me RIGHT now.”
[UNPUBLISHED:] I’ve followed you on TikTok for a while now, and it seems to have become a massive launchpad for your music as four of the songs of the EP have already exploded online prerelease and racked up over 20 million streams collectively. What has this response to your music felt like?
[KATHERINE:] I would say, comforting. I used to think that I was the only person in the world who couldn’t seem to “get the guy,” but after seeing the response from everyone that my music has reached, it’s nice to know that none of us are alone in feeling this way. We’re all in this little community where each of us knows exactly how everyone else feels, and it’s been amazing to be able to share those emotions with people and have them understand.
[UNPUBLISHED:] I personally have really connected with “We Didn’t Even Date,” which details the far too relatable moment of attaching to the idea of someone without ever actually being with them. Do you have any personal favorite songs or lyrics from Crush(ed)?
[KATHERINE:] My favorite songs and lyrics from Crush(ed) are always changing. But, right now I would have to say my favorite song is “Miss Me Too,” more specifically, the bridge!! This song is essentially about accepting the fact that it probably won’t happen but you’re still clinging onto a glimmer of hope that it could, a feeling I know a BIT too well…
[UNPUBLISHED:] Do you think writing Crush(ed) has helped you work through the wistful emotions you’re singing about?
[KATHERINE:] Absolutely. Every song on Crush(ed) is a representation of me organizing my thoughts about every situation I come across in my love life. I see writing these songs as the final step to accepting the fact that my crushes are unrequited.
[UNPUBLISHED:] Has your outlook on these relationships and lost loves changed after creating Crush(ed)?
[KATHERINE:] If I’m being honest not much has changed in my love life since Crush(ed), so my love-hate relationships with crushes and love are still going strong!
[UNPUBLISHED:] If you could create the perfect setting for listeners to hear Crush(ed) for the first time, what would you want it to look like?
[KATHERINE:] The perfect setting: It’s nighttime... you have a nice-smelling candle lit... maybe some of those cute fairy lights... you’re sitting on your bed... headphones on... on the verge of tears... tissues in one hand, and Crush(ed) is on full blast.
[UNPUBLISHED:] What do you think will come next for you and your music?
[KATHERINE:] Songs, songs, and more songs!!!! I am super excited to share more and more music, which is coming right up!!!! I’ve still been writing new songs nonstop and cannot wait for everyone to listen to them. But for now, we can all stream Crush(ed) and dream about our what-could've-been.
you can stream crush(ed) now on spotify and make sure to follow katherine li on tiktok, instagram, and twitter to keep up with what comes next!